Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Learning the Ropes of Blog

Since Microsoft somehow deleted our previous blog we have been forced to migrate to the blogging capital on blogger.com. However, now that Jacob is in bed and as we sit in our living room watching American Idol (Elizabeth's 'show' of choice) we are realizing this means we have to re-do all our previous updates, pictures, and interesting things. Ahhhh Microsoft. Bill Gates must have needed extra hard drive space that we were occupying. Stay tuned and more incredible content, pics, and great stories from the middle of the country.

Watching the idol,


1 comment:

Pablo said...

I watched it last night as well. There were some good performances and some lousy ones as well. The country chick or the asian chick is dunzo, and the latin guy I think will be out this week as well. (I should really learn their names). David is da bomb.